The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) of the National Higher Polytechnic Institute (NAHPI) (School of Engineering) of the University of Bamenda was created by Presidential Decree No. 2017/581 of 24 November 2017
To become a reference center of excellence in Electrical and Electronic Engineering; excelling in teaching, research, and application of engineering knowledge for accelerated development.
To provide high-quality undergraduate, graduate, and post graduate training in Electrical and Electronic Engineering; preparing professionals for development work and research in industry, academia, government, and the community at large.
Prepare graduates with a strong foundation in basic science, technology, engineering, and mathematics that will enable them identify and solve EEE and related problems. Ensure graduates acquire and apply professional knowledge and skills to conceive, design, implement, operate and maintain electrical and electronic systems and equipment. Provide graduates with a solid foundation in EEE; preparing them for leadership roles, life-long careers, and professional growth in EEE and fields related to EEE. Support graduates develop abilities in effective communication, inquisitiveness, critical and creative thinking, innovation, and team work. Enable graduates pursue higher level studies in EEE and other professional fields.
For now, the Department offers the B. Eng. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree. The duration of studies is 8 semesters (4 years).
Besides the general University requirements, applicants for the EEE Programme must meet one of the following set of conditions:
Admission is through a competitive entrance examinations organized by the Ministry of Higher Education.
To graduate with a B.Eng. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering a student must earn a minimum of 240 credits. (CR). This includes a pass mark in the final year research project, in addition to passing all General University courses. The minimum 240 credits are distributed across the course blocks as follows: General University Courses (UC):10 CR Foundation School Courses (SC):75 CR Programme Core Courses (CC):128 CR Option Elective Courses (EC):27 CR A suitable combination of CC and EC courses enables students specialize in specific areas of interest.
Teaching is done through lectures, tutorials, laboratory sessions, projects, and industrial attachments.
Industrial Attachments and Projects are compulsory. Students undertake 3 Industrial Attachments (in the first, second, and third year) for a cumulative duration of 9 months. These attachments are unique opportunities that may orientate students on the identification and selection of a topic for the final year Research Project. Course Projects are completed after the first year. Students are monitored to ensure that these essential and compulsory components of training are undertaken to meet graduation requirements in the stipulated time.
The EEE programmes is structured in 8 semesters and each semester may have courses, industrial attachment, course projects and research project with a total minimum of 30 credits. Courses have specific credit values and are sub-divided into lectures, tutorials and or practical. The evaluation consists of continuous assessments and a written exam. The continuous assessment is scored over 30 points and the exam over 70 points making a total of 100 pts. The BMP grading system with a GPA ranging from 0 to 4 is applied to determine the final grade of the degree awarded.
In the fifth, seventh, and eighth semester, the selection of elective courses matched with the core courses enable students to pursue one of four specialization options: Power Systems, Electronics, Telecommunications, and Automation and Control.
O Graduates will find meaningful employment as:
Multi-disciplinary projects are being elaborated and supervised by teaching staff of the EEE department and staff from other departments of the school, notably Department of Computer Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, and Civil Engineering and Architecture. Collaborative supervision and research with staff from other schools, including the College of Technology, (COLTECH), the Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC) , and the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) in the research areas of staff: food preservation, transformation technology, renewal energy, electric power systems, energy management and audit, process automation and control, systems integration, modelling and simulation, software development, networks design and security, embedded systems, ICT, solar/biomass hybrid dryers, energy management and audit in buildings, smart homes, solar water heating systems, and conservation of products and biomedical applications and informatics.
Research and Development Action involving the staff of the Department, the Local Community of Bambili and Bambui is at its early stage. Some project design areas include energy and food preservation technology. The projects that will be realized for the Local Community could be replicated in similar communities of Cameroon.
The EEE department is in the process of establising Collaboration MOUs with international institutions.