Professional Training Research and Development Action

Dr. KATTE YATO Valetine

Dr. NDUKUM Pascaline
HOD of Computer Engineering

  • Mail Address: P.O. Box 39 Bambili– Cameroon
  • Telephone Contacts: +237

The Department of Computer Engineering of the National Higher Polytechnic Institute of the University of Bamenda was created by Ministerial Order 2017/581 of 24th November to lay down the administrative and academic organisation of the National Higher Polytechnic Institute of the University of Bamenda.

Vision of the Department

The programme is designed to give a practical understanding of Computer Engineering and training of manpower that are broad minded and resourceful in booming fields such as hardware engineering and data mining.

Mission of the Department

The mission of the department is train manpower in the area of hardware and software engineering. There is need to train adequate manpower to run operations at exploration and exploitation stages in fields such as mining. To meet this mission training is organized in three cycles. Studies in the first cycle shall lead to a Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering ( B.Eng) in Computer Engineering. Studies in the second cycle shall lead to a Masters degree (M.Eng) in computer Engineering. Studies in the third cycle shall lead to doctorate (D.Eng) in Computer in Engineering.

Admission Requirements

Besides the general University requirements, applicants for this programme should have pass grades in Mathematics and Physics at the GCE ordinary Level. At the Advanced level, applicants must have at least two pass grades, one of which must be at least one scientific subject. For the competitive entrance exams, three subjects will be considered for evaluation. Additional pass grade will be advantageous in ICT, Physics, Biology, Chemistry or any other maths subject. Students in Baccalaureate must be in C, D, E, F, F2 ,T1 series.

Mode of Admission

All admissions are through competitive entrance exams organised by the Ministry of Higher Education.

Training Program

General Courses

  • Civics And Ethics
  • Functional English I
  • Functional English II
  • Functional French I
  • Functional French II
  • Sports

School Wide Courses

  • Algorithms and Programming
  • Chemistry for Engineers I
  • Chemistry for Engineers II
  • Engineering Drawing I
  • Engineering Mathematics I
  • Engineering Mathematics II
  • Introduction to computer Science
  • Introduction to Engineering
  • Physics for Engineers I
  • Physics for Engineers II

Core Courses

Programming Laboratory, Introduction to Computer systems, Introduction to Computational Thinking, Industrial Attachment I, Introduction to computer Networks, Computer Organisation and Architecture, Introduction to Logic Design, Abstract Data type and Structures, Object Oriented design and Programming, Software Engineering, Introduction to Embedded Systems, Operating Systems, Digital Systems Design, Database Management Systems, Web Programming I, Security Management, Discrete Mathematics, Industrial Attachment II, Web Programming II, Advanced Logic Design, Advanced Computer Architecture, Microcontroller Programming, computer Forensics, Parallel Computing, Intelligent Agents, computer Security and Security Management, Advanced computer Networks, Data Analytics and Mining, Digital Signal Processing, Formal Language Theory and Compiler Construction, Principles of Design and Implementation of Programming Languages, Research Projects.


Internships (Industrial Attachment) are essential components of training and are undertaken by all students from first year to the last year. They are important because they help set foundation for students careers. Internships are unique opportunities that may orientate students on the selection of the topic of a project or thesis. Interns are monitored to ensure that these essential components of training are undertaken by all students before graduation.

Organisation of Academic Programs and Evaluation

Training programmes are structured in semesters and each semester may have courses, internships, a project or a Thesis with a maximum of 36 credits. Courses are sub-divided into lectures, tutorials and or practical and each course is allocated a certain number of credits. The evaluation consists of continuous assessments and a written exam. The continuous assessment is scored over 30 points and the exam over 70 points making a total of 100 pts. The BMP grading system with a GPA over 4 is applied to determine the final grade of the certificate awarded.

Research Areas

Unconventional Processing of Signal for Intelligent Data Exploitation (UPSIDE), Energy-aware Computing Architectures of Big Data, Data base Management Systems (DBMS), Data Management and Machine Learning, Information and System Security, Network Systems and Parallel Computing, Pervasive Computing and Cyber-physical Systems, Programming Languages and Software Engineering, Theory and Algorithm, Visual computing.

Post Training Employment

Graduates will find meaningful employment in the telecommunication industries, Hospitals, Information Systems, Cloud and Internet data centres.

Teaching Laboratories

  • ICT Laboratory at the University of Bamenda.
  • Computer Laboratory at ENSET.
  • Computer laboratory at UGHENSEN Engineering Consultancy Ltd.

Research and Develpment Action

Research activities of permanent Lecturers are conducted in the ICT Centre of the University of Bamenda, Computer Laboratory at ENSET and other national or international universities. Development action involving the lecturers of the Department and UGHENSEN Engineering consultancy Ltd. Some project areas the department can participate include Advanced Web Designing, Advanced Graphic Designing, Multimedia, Information and System Security, Network Systems and Parallel Computing.

Industrial Partners

  • Ughensen Engineering Consultancy Ltd..
  • ENEO
  • Société Anonyme des Brasseries du Cameroun (S.A.B.C.)
  • MTN
  • CAT Bamenda

National Partner Institutions

  • Laboratoire d’Automatique et d’Informatique Appliquée, (LAIA), IUT Fotso Victor de Bandjoun, Université de Dschang.
  • Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées, Département de Mathématiques et d’informatique, Université de Douala.
  • Laboratoire d’Electronique et de Traitement de Signal (LETS), Université de Dschang.
  • Laboratoire d’Automatique et Energétique, ENSP, Université de Yaoundé I
  • Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Systèmes Industriels et de l’Environnement, (LISIE), IUT FOTSO Victor de Bandjoun, Université de Dschang.
  • Laboratoire de Mécanique et Modélisation des Systèmes Physiques (L2MSP), Université de Dschang.

Parmanent Teaching Staff

  • Dr. Ndukum Pascaline Liaken Dickom.
  • Dr. Mpame Tetchewo T. Giulene.
  • Mr Ngwa Kenneth Akobabila.

Associated Parmanent Teaching Staff

  • Dr. Onabid Mathias.
  • Dr. Lienou Jean-Pierre .
  • Madam Zebaze Aline.
  • Dr Kum Cletus.
  • Dr Bawe Nfor Gerard

Various Form Bs

  • Bachelor of Engineering (B.ENG).
  • Master of Engineering Science (M.ENG).
  • Master of Science (MSc).
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).